Matthew 6:19-24 - Part 3 - “A Proper Perspective Toward Wealth
Read the Text – Matthew 6:19-24
Review covered 19-21 up to this point:
– verses 22-23 do not appear to be related at first, but verse 24 is clear
– wealth (19-24) and necessities (25-34)
– Outline: Two Points:
The Proper Sight Toward Money – v. 22-23
The Proper Heart Toward Wealth – v. 24
I. The Proper Sight Toward Money
A. The Meaning of Sight in this passage
1. 2 Sights:
a. Jesus was just talking speaking about the heart and the treasure.
b. He calls for a fixed heart and single mindedness that our all would belong to Him.
c. He then illustrates this with the eye: The eye is like the heart here.
1) The eye is like a lamp: when it is fully lit, one is able to see correctly and analyze things properly.
2) But dark, it is like walking around in the dark and not able to perceive or understand anything.
3) If your heart is right toward God & His kingdom, then your entire spiritual being is lit up!
4) If your heart is wrong toward things you do not see spiritually, as you should – you are blinded spiritually.
The Key Passage: Luke 16:11
– We are told here that the way we handle money-reveals our heart.
– The Lord will not entrust to us true riches if we do not handle the worthless stuff.
– The Lord first tests us with money (which is worthless to Him) and then watches how we do.
– If we respond properly, then He is able to entrust us with the true riches.
A. The Greek
1. The Word Healthy: Healthy or Single in v. 22
a. It literally means “generous”
b. It is from the Greek term haploos.
c. 3 passages
1) Romans 12:8 – he who gives with liberality.
2) 2 Corinthians 8:2 – speaks of their liberality in their giving.
3) James 1:5 – speaks of God giving wisdom liberally.
2. The Meaning.
a. If your eye or heart is generous – your entire life will be flooded with spiritual understanding.
b. If you are greedy and covetousness, you’re entire life will be full of spiritual darkness.
c. I wonder about those who come in and out of here and never change or get involved – maybe they are so earthly minded – there entire being is filled with light.
d. Until you take care of your view and heart towards money you will never grow spiritually.
B. The Jewish Terminology
1. Another point – it is a Jewish Metaphor:
a. In verse 23 the “evil eye” is mentioned
b. This is a Jewish colloquialism.
c. The Greek word is panerous and in the NT & LXX it is used frequently to mean a miser, stingy or grudgingly.
d. See Proverbs 22:9; 23:6; 28:22
C. The Result
1. The result – a total or utter darkness.
2. You need to know that covetousness will blind the mind, that is why it is referred to as idolatry in Colossians 3:5
Six Areas of Sight if My Heart Is Right
1. God Owns Everything – 1 Chronicles 29:11
a. Every 50th year in Israel was a year of Jubilee, where debts were cancelled and land returned to the family name.
b. This was die to the fact the Lord owned the land: He wanted to remind the people of this truth.
c. This frees a person up when they see that all belongs to the Lord: You are free to distribute it to whomever the Lord directs.
d. Example – Keep better condition of your stuff Lord.
2. God Is the One Who Has Blessed You! – Deuteronomy 8:7-17
3. You wont get angry when the Lord takes things away from you Job – Job 1:20-22
4. You Will Have A Right Perspective On Things – Philippians 3:8
The Meaning of Rubbish
The word here is manure: Bandini – I buy insurance for this pile of manure just in case someone steals my manure or it accidentally catches on fire. Pile may burst and get my manure all wet, or the ground may shake and cause my manure pile to come tumbling down. I even have to hire an alarm company to guard my manure 24 hours a day and a alarm will go off if people get too close to my manure pile. It may catch on fire and burn. Or someone may just come in and steal my pile of manure, so I will buy and gun and kill to protect my pile.
5. You Will Be Content – 1 Timothy 6:6-10
a. You will be able to see that godliness with contentment is great gain.
b. Proverbs 23:4-5
Do not overwork to be rich – because of your own understanding, cease! Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away like an eagle toward heaven.
c. Eccl. 5:10
d. Proverbs 11:4
1) When asked how much the rich man left behind – the response was all of it! And as Billy Graham is famous for saying that he has never seen a Hurst pulling a u-hall behind it!
6. You will enjoy giving and be able to walk by faith – Luke 6:38
a. It is not like a potato chip bag at the store – measure!
b. Other Scriptures
1) Proverbs 3:9-10
2) Proverbs 11:24
3) 2 Corinthians 9:6
4) Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive.
II. The Proper Heart Toward Wealth – 24
A. Tow Masters
1. The reason this is impossible is due to the words used.
a. Serve is duoloo, from which we get – bond slave
b. A bond slave was one who was utterly subject to the master.
c. A slave was a thing, he could beat a slave, sell, he had no rights, a living tool like a cow or plow - & that slave existed to utterly serve that master only!
d. The word for master means “absolute sovereign.”
2. You cant serve two masters or you will end up hating one and clinging to the other.